Consciously Creating Culture is committed to taking great care of all data held on record and to protecting your personal information and working with honesty, transparency and integrity.

Privacy policy

  • Whether you have contacted me directly or have signed up for blog posts newsletter, your information remains private and confidential

Your data and how it is used

  • If you have ‘opted in’ to receiving blog posts you can click ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the post or e-mail
  • If there is a data security breach, we will inform you as soon as possible

Google Analytics

  • Consciously Creating Culture uses Google Analytics to understand the business’s website traffic data, including aggregated demographic and device data and benchmark reports
  • CCC google analytics to collect information about visitor patterns on our website. Google Analytics stores information about which¬ pages are visited, how long each visitor spends on the site, how they got here and which pages are visited. This Analytics data is not tied to personally identifiable information –  your personal information such as your name and address is not stored and therefore cannot be used to identify who you are. You can find out more about Google’s position on privacy as regards its analytics service.
  • This information can only be accessed by Laura Borland


  • Consciously Creating Culture Limited is committed to complying with applicable data protection legislation including the EU General Data Processing Regulations (GDPR)
  • Data submitted to Consciously Creating Culture Limited is processed internally and remains confidential at all times

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by email at



I don’t know what it is your heart desires but I do know what is stopping you from having it.


6 + 12 =